We are posting our photos and sharing Stuart's @sos_jr tweets from the day as a way of thanking the University Circle museums that opened their doors for free for the Cleveland Holiday CircleFest 2013. Just as we wrote in our blog post about the Cleveland Winterfest, the best part of the Cleveland Holiday CircleFest is that most all of what we saw is still happening in Cleveland's University Circle through the end of the year. If you missed this event, you can still go to the circle for winter activities.
2013 Blog sosAssociates
We were so excited! This year, in addition to our annual visit to the great Cleveland Winterfest (which seems to be getting bigger and better each year), we were invited for a private backstage tour and viewing of Great Lakes Theater's production of A Christmas Carol. This was a special Social Media Night at A Christmas Carol tour for Cleveland bloggers to learn about the 25th anniversary production of this great Cleveland tradition.
Here are this week's Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings! Tonight, I shared on Twitter any tweets I saw from leaders of the groups listed. I encourage group leaders to promote their meetings on Twitter -- I will retweet in addition to my daily promotional tweets.
Here are this week's Cleveland and Akron tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings! I can't believe it is December already! I have so much to do before the end of the year, and I am activity lining up speakers for the first quarter of 2014 for WebSigCleveland.org. 2014 already looks like it will be a great year.
Please share this blog post with others who are interested in any of the following meetings on Twitter, Facebook, and your other favorite social media. Thank you.
What can we say about this event? It was VERY impressive! We saw more 3-D printers in one place than we have ever seen before. Lego robots, University of Akron robotics and aeronautics teams, The Akronist drone, and much more -- all this made for a great tech afternoon in Akron. There was so much to see that we were not able to get to everything, so we are looking forward to going again next year to see more!
Computers, metalworking tools, a 3D printer, and woodworking tools are just a few of the resources available at SYN/HAK, Akron's hackerspace. However, as we learned at their open house, the most important resource at the location is the synergy and creativity of the people who make it their second home.
This being Thanksgiving Week, there are tech events and entrepreneur meetings in Cleveland and Akron area only on Tuesday and Wednesday, but there is still a lot happening in our community on those days.
With the start of the Christmas season, this Saturday the Great Lakes Theater has a special social media event which is open to Greater Cleveland bloggers. The Social Media Night at A Christmas Carol #ChristmasCarolCLE25 be on Saturday, November 30, 2013, at the Ohio Theatre at PlayhouseSquare. Space is limited and subject to availability, so Cleveland bloggers should RSVP early.
After a very busy week last week, this week is just normal busy for me. Here are this week's Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings! Please let me know what you found useful, and please share with others.
The first annual Cleveland Entrepreneurship Week took place November 4-8, 2013. These are the events I attended:
- LaunchHouse LHX2013Demo Day - Tuesday, November 5, 2013
- Startup at City Club - Thursday, November 7, 2013
- ClevelandEW Presents BT - Thursday, November 7, 2013, and on into early next morning
What a great problem I have! On one of the nights this week, there are multiple meetings I want to attend. Isn't it great to have so much going on in our community?
Here are this week's Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings that I track. I also want to extend a special invite to you all to attend my WebSigCleveland.org meeting on Saturday, November 16th. Sam Nasr will be presenting on Developing Win8 Apps with HTML5 at 10:30 a.m.
We really enjoyed ourselves at Cleveland Museum of Art's MIX: Underneath on the night after Halloween. In fact, it was so great that we felt compelled to share our experience via our photos and tweets/retweets of the evening. We have attended several of the museum's MIX events, but we had the most fun at this one. The "spirit" of the evening was great, with seeing all the costumes and art-related activities, going on the museum's Underneath the Frame "ghost tour," and chatting with friends.
In addition to all the meetings/events I normally promote, there are two special events happening this week:
Cleveland Entrepreneurship Week
Unleashing Digital Learning: An Exploration of Digital Learning, Gigabit Broadband and Federal Policy Development
Please share with others this week's Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings!
It is interesting how the number of meetings I track per week has grown this fall. More groups are having weekly meetings. Thus, even though Halloween takes away one meeting night this week, there is still a lot happening!
Due to this increase in meetings, I have decided not to do my weekly Sunday or Monday night tweets of all the meetings, as I have been doing for the past four years. I plan to continue lunchtime tweets promoting same-day events, and listing all the meetings here in this blog post.
I had planned to post the list below of Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings on Monday night, but I received a better offer! I was able to get a ticket for Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak's lecture at Akron University. A big thank you to Gaurav "G" Saxena for the ticket!
Last night, as I was listening to Steve Wozniak (Woz.org - @SteveWoz) talk about computer clubs hacking together technical solutions years ago, it struck me that it was appropriate that I was sitting next to G. G is one of the leaders of SYN/HAK, the Akron Hackerspace. From what I have heard about SYN/HAK, I think it provides a creative environment similar to the one that Steve Wozniak was describing.
Here is this week's list.
This Saturday (October 19, 2013 @ 10:30 a.m.) is the monthly WebSigCleveland.org meeting. The topic is Introduction to HTML5 Part II, which is a continuation of a talk by Sam Nasr from last June. All WebSigCleveland.org meetings are free and open to all, so please invite others to attend this Saturday.
We were ready for an exciting night of theater on Friday, October 4, 2013, when we were guests of Great Lakes Theater for the opening of one of our favorite shows, Sweeney Todd!
It was Social Media Night, and also Director’s Night, where we were able to attend a pre-show discussion with Producing Artistic Director Charles Fee and Sweeney Todd Director Victoria Bussert. We learned lots of interesting behind-the-scenes “tidbits” about the show. For example, this show is considered a masterpiece of Stephen Sondheim, and is a crossover between musical theater and opera, with elements of both. The show has been performed by both musical theater and opera companies.
This production of Sweeney Todd is exciting and fast-paced. Go and see it for a “bloody good” time!
Here are the Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings for Monday, October 7, 2013 through Monday, October 14, 2013. October is another busy month. Please shared those meeting you think others would be interested in attending.
Anyone who has known Stuart for any length of time knows that he enjoys going to technology and arts events. IngenuityFest is his favorite event of the year. Most years that Stuart has been able to attend, he has gone all three days -- he tries to live the event, and drink in all that it has to offer.
Julie, Kevin, and Stuart attended much of the weekend's activities, but found that there was more to do than anyone can fit in one weekend.
Here are this week's Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings!
Anyone who knows me for any length of time knows that I enjoy going to technology and arts events. Ingenuity Cleveland's "IngenuityFest:Festival of Art & Technology" is my main event during the year! That is why I was excited when I learned that the three-day event now had a prequel - the IngenuityFest 2013 Preview Party!
Can you believe this is the last week of September? Here are this week's Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings that I track.
One of the great Cleveland events I enjoy every year is the Cleveland Museum of Art's Chalk Festival. I have not been able to fully participate for two years now, since it has been held the same weekend as the IngenuityFest.
I did enjoy visiting and seeing the Cleveland art work that was created. Here are the photos I took of the pieces that I liked the most.
In my presentation to WebSigCleveland.org on "HTML5 Video: Why & How," I covered:
- Why: the pros and cons of using HTML5 video, and other options
- Build: how to create the HTML5, and resources to create the HTML5 videos
- Configure: list of additional HTML5 attributes
The slides, HTML samples, and text were originally created for my oral presentation.
Here is a list of this week's Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings that I track. This week I want to announce the fall lineup of www.WebSigCleveland.org meetings since the first one is this Saturday. Please mark your calendars for:
9/21/2013 Intro to ExtJS and Sencha Touch - Durlabh Jain (@Durlabh)
10/19/2013 Introduction to HTML5 Part II - Sam Nasr (@SamNasr)
11/16/2013 Developing Win8 Apps with HTML5 - Sam Nasr (@SamNasr)
12/21/2013 Exploring Web 3.0 - Marc A. Majers (@LeadingHands - @DontFearForward)
Kicking off 2014 with
1/18/2014 Team Collaboration - Jonathan Knapp (@CoffeeAndCode)
GV Art + Design in Lakewood was the place to be on September 4th! Everyone shared in the excitement and anticipation of the Cleveland Browns’ opening game of the 2013-14 season at the “Brown and Orange TweetUp” sponsored by NewsChannel 5 and GV Art + Design. As we walked in the door, we received a T-shirt to show off our Cleveland pride! The GV Art + Design store was filled with apparel and more, featuring artwork and slogans promoting our great city.
Here is a list of this week's Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings that I track. First, I want to announce the fall lineup of www.WebSigCleveland.org meetings. Please mark your calendars for:
9/21/2013 Intro to ExtJS and Sencha Touch - Durlabh Jain (@Durlabh)
10/19/2013 Introduction to HTML5 Part II - Sam Nasr (@SamNasr)
11/16/2013 Developing Win8 Apps with HTML5 - Sam Nasr (@SamNasr)
12/21/2013 Exploring Web 3.0 - Marc A. Majers (@LeadingHands - @DontFearForward)
Kicking off 2014 with
1/18/2014 Team Collaboration - Jonathan Knapp (@CoffeeAndCode)
While I will miss all the free outdoor summer arts/cultural events that I promote over the summer (this is in addition to Cleveland's tech events that I promote year round), this fall is looking like a lot will be happening in Cleveland. Be sure to watch for information on Ingenuity Cleveland the weekend of September 20-22. Also, I have announced all my WebSigCleveland.org fall meetings. Please go to the www.WebSigCleveland.org website and mark your calendar!
Here are this week's Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings as we start September and the fall season.
- Paul Benner (@CLEBrewShop - ClevelandBrewshop.com) The Cleveland Brewshop
- Fred and Laura Bidwell (@TransformerStat - TransformerStation.org - @FredBidwell - BidwellProjects.com) Founders, Fred and Laura Ruth Bidwell Foundation
- Marco Ciccarelli (@techne_m - TechneArchitects.com) architect, studioTECHNE|architects
- YouTube PKNCLE19 - #2 - Marc Ciccarelli - Aristotle, Emptiness, and Godzilla
- Brandon Juhasz (BrandonJuhasz.com) Artist
- Faith McFluff (Faithmcfluff.com) Hula Hoops: It's not Just a Toy Anymore....
- YouTube PKNCLE19 - #3 - Faith McFluff - Hula Hoops
- Mark Michel (ItMakesYouHappier.com) Graphic Designer/Street Artist
- Wayne Mortensen (@arlomort - www.npi-cle.org) Architect, Neighborhood Progress Inc
- Loren Naji (LorenNaji.com) Artist/Gallery Owner, Loren Naji Studio Gallery
- Johnny S. (JohnnyvilleSlugger.com) Johnnyville Slugger
- Marilou Suszko (@MarilouSuszko - MarilouSuszko.com) Behind-the-scenes stories of Cleveland's West Side Market
- YouTube PKNCLE19 - #1 - Marilou Suszko - The West Side Market: Myths and Made-Up Shit
- Andy Tveekrem (@Mrkt_Grdn_Beer - MarketGardenBrewery.com) Brewmaster, Market Garden Brewery
- Mike Zubal (@ZubalBooks - ZubalBooks.com) Zubal Books
WebSigCleveland.org has announced all of its fall meetings. Please go to the WebSigCleveland.org website and mark your calendar!
Here are this week's Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings as we close out the last month of summer.
Here are this week's Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings for August 12th through August 19th.
Cleveland GiveCamp, which took place over the July 19-21, 2013, weekend was truly a remarkable event. Amazing work was done by over 200 volunteers providing tech solutions for nonprofits. This being the fourth year of Cleveland GiveCamp, the whole operation felt like a well oiled machine.
Here are this week's Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings as we enter the eighth month of the year 2013! Plus I also list some free summer outdoor arts events. Be sure not to miss all that is happening on Cleveland!
Here are this week's Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings! Plus some free outdoor arts events are listed and the "save the date" for Cleveland GiveCamp 2014.
Over the summer I like to promote a few of the free outdoor arts events in which I am interested. This week, in addition to WOW Concerts and Cleveland Shakespeare Festival, I have learned that the Cleveland Museum of Art is having free concerts and films at their new space for contemporary art in Cleveland -- Transformer Station.
Cleveland GiveCamp - ClevelandGiveCamp.org - This is a special week in Cleveland in which over 200 tech volunteers meet once a year to assist local nonprofits with their technical needs.
This week I list 7 new northeast Ohio tech meetings -- some free arts events, plus Cleveland tech, entrepreneur & social media meetings.
Can you believe we are in the last week of June? So much happening in Cleveland that time is just flying.
Here are this week's Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings! Plus over the summer I track some of my favorite free outdoor arts events.
Here are this week's Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings for Tue 6/18 - Mon 6/24!
As we enter the last week of May 2013, here are my list of Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings I track.
Here are this week's Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings!

- The Era of Intentional Layout
- Responsive Layouts Beyond the Sidebar
- Making Our Users Feel Great
- HTTP: Get to Know the Foundations of Your Career
- Finding Your Perfect Web Type Match
- Take Your Markup to 11
- Your CSS is a Mess
Great start to the first full week of May 2013!
Here are my tweets announcing the Cleveland tech, entrepreneur & social media meetings I track for this week.
If you have seen my sos_jr Twitter bio, you know that I am interested in both technology and art, so IngenuityFest is an event that I really enjoy! Ingenuity Cleveland's Bal Ingénieux fundraiser is a costume party with vaudeville circus, burlesque, music, dance, and more.
Here are the Cleveland tech, entrepreneur & social media meetings I track for this week that we enter May 2013.
Here are the Cleveland tech, entrepreneur & social media meetings I track for this Happy Earth Day week.
Here are the Cleveland tech, entrepreneur & social media meetings I track for this week. I hope to see you all on Saturday, April 20th, at the WebSigCleveland.org presentation on Adobe Photoshop Elements.
Here are the Cleveland tech, entrepreneur & social media meetings I track for this week. Plus I since I will not have time next week to post to my blog, I have added some future meetings to this blog post.
I also want to take this opportunity to ask you to mark your calendar, and let others know that the 4/20 WebSigCleveland.org presentation will be about Adobe Photoshop Elements.
I also want to take this opportunity to announce my April WebSigCleveland.org topic. Please mark your calendar, and let others know that the 4/20 presentation will be about Adobe Photoshop Elements.
"Code for America is a new non-profit, and a new kind of organization. Our team is made up of web geeks, city experts, and technology industry leaders. We are building a network of civic leaders and organizations who believe there is a better way of doing things and want to make a difference."
Also for those of you who missed it last week, please share with others the information I gather in my Blogiversary blog post.
Please share this blog post with others who would be interested.
Here are this week's Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings!
I want to bring to your attention two meetings for those of you interested in open source content management systems, plus ask you to share with others the information I gather in my Blogiversary blog post.
Here are this week's Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings!
Here are this week's Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings!