With Cleveland GiveCamp 2020 being canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic (see my blog post: Missing Cleveland GiveCamp in 2020), it was known from the very beginning of planning for the eleventh Cleveland GiveCamp in 2021 that flexibility would be needed.
Two decisions were made early on to ensure a safe event in this time of a once-in-a-century pandemic:
First, to move the Cleveland GiveCamp 2021 Weekend from the third weekend in July to the fall. This would allow extra time for volunteers to get the coronavirus vaccination and to have time to learn from others working in office settings what safety procedures would be needed.
Second, to plan simultaneously both an in-person event and a virtual event, so as to be prepared for changes in the environment.
Cleveland GiveCamp 2021 Weekend took place September 10-12, 2021.
Leadership Planning Meetings
Planning meetings for the 2021 weekend event started in October 2020.
I just attended the #Cleveland #GiveCamp planning meeting preparing for @CleGiveCamp #CleGC 2021! FREE tech will be given to #nonprofits in 2021!https://t.co/MCZa2zTfMT
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - sosAssociates.com (@sos_jr) October 20, 2020
It was good to see the leaders on Zoom after not seeing them since cancel 2020 event: https://t.co/LLNQtOQ5XG pic.twitter.com/NcInlrpTJV
Year-End Thanks
#NewYearsDay #ThankYou to #Cleveland/#Akron area #tech #volunteers who provide FREE #tech solutions to #nonprofits for 10 years at @CleGiveCamp https://t.co/tkfbMZaDmn
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - sosAssociates.com (@sos_jr) January 1, 2021
With #CleGC 2020 being canceled, I want to thank their great work & acknowledge the loss of normality in 2020. pic.twitter.com/3OAbmjSg5O
Well, @azrael, our ideas for @CleGiveCamp 2020 did not happen as we planned when we met, but I wanted send you a #NewYearsEve #ThankYou & tell you how much I appreciate you stepping up with your suggestions for engaging new #tech #volunteers & sponsors
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - sosAssociates.com (@sos_jr) December 31, 2020
Now ready for #CleGC 2021! https://t.co/hEOHRARK2M pic.twitter.com/LAdjjKLgkv
Year-Round Interest in Cleveland GiveCamp
Great that I had 2 people contact me today asking about @CleGiveCamp's #CleGC 2021.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - sosAssociates.com (@sos_jr) January 22, 2021
I was glad to let them know that there will be an event in 2021!#Cleveland & #Akron area #nonprofits that need FREE tech solutions should sign up for notifications at: https://t.co/MCZa2zTfMT pic.twitter.com/zsJ9xTgJSb
Tonight, I attended a @CleGiveCamp planning meeting for #CleGC 2021
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - sosAssociates.com (@sos_jr) January 26, 2021
I want to encourage #Cleveland & #Akron #nonprofits interested in receiving FREE tech solutions to fill out the form here: https://t.co/MCZa2zTfMT
Interesting in supporting @CleGiveCamp? https://t.co/XbaAOKrALt https://t.co/MuUgvGkVg1
We're having that discussion at @CleGiveCamp right now. We're hoping to make September 2021 work for a live event, but it feels like 50-50.
— Mark W. Schumann (@MarkWSchumann) January 27, 2021
A friend recommended I meet with a professional who does consulting for #Akron & #Cleveland #nonprofits, so I could tell her about @CleGiveCamp's #CleGC Weekend
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - sosAssociates.com (@sos_jr) February 1, 2021
I had a great phone appointment where I told her about FREE #tech solutions for nonprofits at: https://t.co/MCZa2zTfMT pic.twitter.com/5FMMMVPiBh
The @CleGiveCamp planning mtg that I was attending just ended.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - sosAssociates.com (@sos_jr) April 20, 2021
Heard some good news about @CleGiveCamp's #CleGC 2021 -- looking for a fall event. Location secured & sponsors need to start signing up.#Cleveland & #Akron area #nonprofits get notified at:https://t.co/MCZa2zTfMT pic.twitter.com/R0OdvoLsQl
Missing Cleveland GiveCamp's Traditional July Event
I was on a 45-day backpacking trip, which started on May 2, 2021 (see before and after backpacking adventure blog posts), but when I returned I found things going well and it was expected that Cleveland GiveCamp 2021 would be an in-person event.
I thought of Cleveland GiveCamp as the calendar passed the third weekend of July. For ten years (2010 through 2019), Cleveland GiveCamp has been held as a summer event in July. With the cancellation in 2020, I was glad that the event would still be happening this year, although not until September 2021.
A year ago — sad about @CleGiveCamp 2020 canceled.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - sosAssociates.com (@sos_jr) July 18, 2021
Today, so very glad that @CleGiveCamp’s #CleGC 2021 is happening September 10-12!
FREE tech for #nonprofits!https://t.co/KpUMhwCps3
Please share @CleGiveCamp announcement about their #CleGC 2021 at https://t.co/y3qhr9Ys2U https://t.co/Vt4YZrMckv pic.twitter.com/xzCBMDAc6Q
Behind-The-Scenes Work and Volunteer Registration
The last 3 days I have been doing some behind-the-scenes #volunteer work for @CleGiveCamp #CleGC
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - sosAssociates.com (@sos_jr) August 7, 2021
I really enjoy the work since I know it will give FREE tech solutions to #nonprofits in the #Cleveland & #Akron area
You should join the fun & volunteer at: https://t.co/jPDhhk3tsE pic.twitter.com/asNajjPHGn
I received a @CleGiveCamp email that was sent to past participants of #CleGC Weekend -- providing FREE #tech solutions to #Cleveland & #Akron area #nonprofits.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - sosAssociates.com (@sos_jr) August 10, 2021
Interested in #volunteering? Do you know of others who would like to help?
Please retweet info https://t.co/jPDhhk3tsE pic.twitter.com/a9sqOzDOC5
#Cleveland #GiveCamp could not happen without the generosity of its sponsors & donors!
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - sosAssociates.com (@sos_jr) August 10, 2021
Please share the information on how support the good work of the @CleGiveCamp #volunteers: https://t.co/XbaAOKrALt@CleGiveCamp #CleGC Weekend Sept 10-12. pic.twitter.com/OJzRwb6D4b
I just attended a @CleGiveCamp #CleGC Planning Meeting
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - sosAssociates.com (@sos_jr) August 10, 2021
I am proud of the #volunteer leaders planning the 11th weekend event for Sept 10-12
Please help by sharing that volunteer sign-up is open at: https://t.co/jPDhhk3tsE and sponsorship opportunities at: https://t.co/XbaAOKrALt https://t.co/mNYSjpxPxl
I'll be there! So looking forward to it!
— Lynda Kane (@labboopanda) August 10, 2021
That is great, @labboopanda! I look forward to seeing you there!https://t.co/jPDhhk3tsE
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - sosAssociates.com (@sos_jr) August 10, 2021
Thank you for helping #nonprofits served at @CleGiveCamp’s #CleGC Weekend. I also know of your leadership in helping girls learn #tech via @GirlsWhoCode. Your community work is appreciated pic.twitter.com/9XoTQJU3Ht
"Don't miss out on Cleveland #GiveCamp 2021"
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - sosAssociates.com (@sos_jr) August 12, 2021
Today, I received a @CleGiveCamp reminder to complete my order to attend #CleGC 2021 Weekend.
If you are interested in helping provide FREE #tech solutions to local #Cleveland & #Akron area nonprofits, go to: https://t.co/jPDhhk3tsE pic.twitter.com/9F7VbDUjOa
I am excited! I have my ticket to @CleGiveCamp #CleGC 2021 Weekend!!
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - sosAssociates.com (@sos_jr) August 20, 2021
Please help #Cleveland & #Akron #nonprofits by getting your ticket too!!!
There is a big need right now for #tech #volunteers: https://t.co/jPDhhk3tsE
Please sign-up now!https://t.co/tNnUR40nUQ pic.twitter.com/aWDn0zZLT6
August 20, 2021, The BIG Announcement -- Going Virtual!
Subject: Cleveland GiveCamp 2021 is now virtual
Date: August 20, 2021 at 11:04:51 AM EDTWe love seeing everyone each year, but unfortunately this doesn't feel like it's the right time to come back in-person for a 3 day, close contact event. At our organizer meeting last night we made the decision to go virtual for this year's event.
Three weeks before Cleveland GiveCamp Weekend, the announcement was made -- "Cleveland #GiveCamp 2021 is now virtual." The event was still on, but all the logistics were adjusted for the safety of all.
"Cleveland #GiveCamp 2021 is now virtual"@CleGiveCamp could use more #tech #volunteers, so please ask your friends/co-workers to register https://t.co/jPDhhk3tsE@CleGiveCamp #CleGC 2021 - the eleventh year providing FREE tech solutions to #Cleveland & #Akron area #nonprofits! pic.twitter.com/624JX6QiCz
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - sosAssociates.com (@sos_jr) August 23, 2021
I am having another busy night!https://t.co/OHqSbXsuCz
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - sosAssociates.com (@sos_jr) September 9, 2021
I just finish doing some volunteer work for @CleGiveCamp (I have more to do Thursday).
This is an exciting week as stated in the "Message to attendees of Cleveland GiveCamp 2021" "This year's event is entirely virtual." pic.twitter.com/7fE7dF41nU
Preparing for a Virtual Event by Adding Zoom Video Conferencing and Wonder.me
Subject: Cleveland GiveCamp is tomorrow!
Date: September 9, 2021 at 2:47:36 PM EDTHey everyone, last message before tomorrow's event. We sent everyone a calendar invite with connection info, but just in case, we're all joining on Zoom around 5:45pm to high five before things kick off at 6pm SHARP!
. . . You should also have received access to our Cleveland GiveCamp Slack, our group communication platform of choice during the event. You can join from your phone, browser, or desktop once you get your account setup. If you are having issues joining Slack or Zoom please let us know . . .
At the kickoff tomorrow, you'll receive your team assignments and next step information so hold tight just a bit longer.
See you soon!
The Cleveland GiveCamp Steering Committee uses Trello year round to manage the tasks that need to be completed, and every year over the Cleveland GiveCamp Weekend, Slack is used for team management. With the 2021 weekend being virtual, Zoom video conferencing and Wonder.me were added to the Cleveland GiveCamp tool set.
Last night, I tested https://t.co/VLd7bpwf8b on my MacBook (it does not work on Smartphones) & added a @CleGiveCamp image for my @Zoom background.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - sosAssociates.com (@sos_jr) September 10, 2021
This will be my 1st time trying https://t.co/VLd7bpwf8b@CleGiveCamp #CleGC 2021 is a virtual event!https://t.co/jPDhhk3tsE pic.twitter.com/NVIO2GsAU5
With my MacBook all set up, today logged into my @SlackHQ account for @CleGiveCamp #CleGC on my iPhone & readied @Zoom for iPhone. @Trello I use daily for @CleGiveCamp on both my iPhone and my MacBook . @CleGiveCamp 11th year is a virtual event.https://t.co/jPDhhk3tsE pic.twitter.com/3Bvy2xYQjW
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - sosAssociates.com (@sos_jr) September 10, 2021
Virtual Cleveland GiveCamp Weekend!
Friday Evening through Sunday Afternoon, September 10-12, 2021
Friday, September 10, 2021
Cleveland GiveCamp @CleGiveCamp kicks off tonight and runs through Sunday. Software developers, designers, database administrators, project managers and creatives donate their time to create software and web-based applications for non-profit organizations. #CleGC
— Brenda Malone, Fully-Vaccinated and Masking (@_brendamalone) September 10, 2021
Thank you, @_brendamalone, for your support of #CleGC 2021.
— Cleveland GiveCamp (@CleGiveCamp) September 10, 2021
We are excited for this weekend! This our eleventh year, will be a virtual event. https://t.co/rZ4mtLCbaE
Our great #tech volunteers serve #Cleveland and #Akron area #nonprofits! https://t.co/DGP1LA5b2Y pic.twitter.com/cTF76x3V2l
Cheers to all of the volunteers associated with Cleveland GiveCamp - your work makes such a difference for so many nonprofits in our community! #CLEGC Thank you @CleGiveCamp https://t.co/DANRAQ6Xja
— Paul Putman (@paultofu) September 10, 2021
One hour to @CleGiveCamp #CleGC 2021 kickoff!!!
— Cleveland GiveCamp (@CleGiveCamp) September 10, 2021
- 5:30pm start zoom
- 6pm kickoff meeting broadcast
This year's event is entirely virtual!! pic.twitter.com/mOCh3bRABq
Introducing the Cleveland GiveCamp Leadership Team
The online weekend started by introducing the team that meets year round to make Cleveland GiveCamp possible. I have been on boards of professional organizations in the past, but nothing compares with how the Cleveland GiveCamp Steering Committee functions. It is truly unique in how it functions, and has continued to provide excellent services to the Cleveland GiveCamp nonprofit partners for eleven years.
- Nicole Derr (@Nicole_Derr)
- Carolyn Fertig (@Carolyn87)
- Jim Gorjup
- Brittney Iskander
- Marko Iskander (@MarkoIskander)
- Jonathan Knapp (@cc_jonknapp)
- Nicole Kusold-Matheou (@NicoleKusold)
- Dan Nelson (@TheOneDanNelson)
- Ross Ritchey (@ross_ritchey)
- Mark Schumann (@MarkWSchumann)
- Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr)
2021 Cleveland GiveCamp Nonprofit Partners!
There were three nonprofit partners in 2021:
Roberto Clemente Park Block Club - During the closing ceremony, I learned that this was their first website. It is great that they now have an online presence to serve their community!
At the Cleveland GiveCamp kickoff our nonprofit partners were announced for @CleGiveCamp #CleGC 2021:
— Cleveland GiveCamp (@CleGiveCamp) September 10, 2021
* Lake County Free Clinic
* Roberto Clemente Park Block Club
* StarkFreshhttps://t.co/DGP1LA5b2Y pic.twitter.com/vDtwtoyoOH
@hurricanelabs Thanks for sponsoring this weekend's @CleGiveCamp #CleGC
— Brenda Malone, Fully-Vaccinated and Masking (@_brendamalone) September 10, 2021
Helping non-profits with their digital presence, for the Greater Good.
@CleGiveCamp Thank you to top sponsor @IEEEorg for sponsoring this weekend's #CleGC, volunteering the weekend for the Greater Good, helping non-profits with their digital assets.
— Brenda Malone, Fully-Vaccinated and Masking (@_brendamalone) September 10, 2021
At the @CleGiveCamp #CleGC Kickoff it was great to see so many #volunteers on @Zoom -- including returning volunteers who have helped for the past 10 Cleveland #GiveCamps like @hacool & @MarkWSchumann!!!!@MarkWSchumann acted as the emcee for the #CleGC Kickoff again this year! pic.twitter.com/9NvCKgueiJ
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - sosAssociates.com (@sos_jr) September 11, 2021
Thank you #CleGC 2021 Gold Sponsor @HurricaneLabs for making @CleGiveCamp possible!!https://t.co/zXnjaQWqjP@HurricaneLabs shared with our volunteers:
— Cleveland GiveCamp (@CleGiveCamp) September 11, 2021
* Infosec Blog for Readers Who Want to Stay Securehttps://t.co/6TIOZej2Er
* Hurricane Labs Careershttps://t.co/OTXfvRycE6 pic.twitter.com/KWycBcY7Fr
Just finished some behind-the-scenes work for @CleGiveCamp 2021 Weekend.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - sosAssociates.com (@sos_jr) September 11, 2021
I am all prepared for the tasks I signed up for Day 2 (Saturday) of the @CleGiveCamp #CleGC Weekend.
Great to see we have so many talented #volunteers working to proved FREE #tech solutions to #nonprofits. pic.twitter.com/hBib8LcVR9
The event is going great! Thanks to Hurricane Labs for their support. https://t.co/miqQESR1kE
— Mark W. Schumann (@MarkWSchumann) September 11, 2021
Yes, @MarkWSchumann, @CleGiveCamp #CleGC 2021 Weekend is off to a great start!
— Cleveland GiveCamp (@CleGiveCamp) September 11, 2021
The weekend is made possible by Gold Sponsor @HurricaneLabshttps://t.co/zXnjaQWqjP
Hurricane Labs is a dynamic Managed Services Provider. People can learn more about at: https://t.co/CkIfGg7Wxb
Thank You, Cleveland GiveCamp Sponsors!!!
To repeat, "Cleveland GiveCamp could not happen without the generosity of our sponsors." We are fortunate in the Cleveland and Akron areas to have great sponsors that have made it possible for Cleveland GiveCamp to give FREE tech to local nonprofits for eleven years.
Gold Sponsors
Thank you @CleGiveCamp #CleGC 2021 Gold Sponsor: @HurricaneLabs!! https://t.co/zXnjaQWqjP
— Cleveland GiveCamp (@CleGiveCamp) September 11, 2021
Hurricane Labs is a dynamic Managed Services Provider that emphasizes collaboration and humanity to help others unlock the power of Splunk and security.https://t.co/CkIfGg7Wxb pic.twitter.com/nNR3VE2NY3
Thank you #CleGC 2021 Gold Sponsor: @IEEEorg #Cleveland! https://t.co/zXnjaQWqjP
— Cleveland GiveCamp (@CleGiveCamp) September 11, 2021
IEEE Cleveland Chapter is a 501c3 #nonprofit organization that acts as our fiscal sponsor, so that every penny donated goes directly into the operation of our weekend event.https://t.co/Hn0QIyuJoQ pic.twitter.com/xqh3VWBVrP
Thank you @CleGiveCamp #CleGC 2021 Gold Sponsor: @MarcusThomasCle! https://t.co/zXnjaQWqjP
— Cleveland GiveCamp (@CleGiveCamp) September 12, 2021
Marcus Thomas is Ohio’s largest media planning & buying agency -- recognized by Content Marketing Institute as one of the world’s leading content marketing agencieshttps://t.co/hbf2ql2ePO pic.twitter.com/zaDYsl5oH5
Silver Sponsors
Thank you #CleGC Silver Sponsor: @AssurantLabs! https://t.co/zXnjaQWqjP
— Cleveland GiveCamp (@CleGiveCamp) September 11, 2021
Assurant Labs builds mobile apps using cutting-edge tech in a healthy and sustainable work environment. They solve problems and follow best practices, allowing team members to focus, collaborate, and grow. pic.twitter.com/LQBdqSIlzt
Thank you #CleGC Silver Sponsor: @coffeeandcode! https://t.co/zXnjaQWqjP
— Cleveland GiveCamp (@CleGiveCamp) September 11, 2021
Jon's been developing software & consulting with local & national clients for almost 20 years. He believes in building great products for good people & has been a proud @CleGiveCamp supporter over the years pic.twitter.com/kXb6nTDq7K
Thank you @CleGiveCamp #CleGC Silver Sponsor: @Simplex_IT! https://t.co/zXnjaQWqjP@Simplex_IT provides IT services that support the success of your organization. They believe your IT should just work. Plain and simple. https://t.co/UMWatxXpph pic.twitter.com/zkfHdkd40Y
— Cleveland GiveCamp (@CleGiveCamp) September 11, 2021
Patron Sponsors
Thank you @CleGiveCamp #CleGC Patron Sponsor: @DaveCunix! https://t.co/zXnjaQWqjP
— Cleveland GiveCamp (@CleGiveCamp) September 11, 2021
Cunix Insurance Services offers Life, Health, and Disability Insurance for small businesses and people of all ages. https://t.co/PgPj4G0BiA pic.twitter.com/B3WsVUX56r
Thank you @CleGiveCamp #CleGC Patron Sponsor: @DealerTire! https://t.co/zXnjaQWqjP
— Cleveland GiveCamp (@CleGiveCamp) September 11, 2021
Dealer Tire is revolutionizing the way people buy tires and care for their cars. https://t.co/X6Oq3YSkdC pic.twitter.com/RSxHsWFxRN
Thank you @CleGiveCamp #CleGC Patron Sponsor: @ElkandElk!https://t.co/zXnjaQWqjP
— Cleveland GiveCamp (@CleGiveCamp) September 11, 2021
If you are you dealing with an unexpected injury in Ohio, the personal injury lawyers at Elk & Elk are available 24/7 and offer a free initial consultation. https://t.co/NucK8Xq6Km pic.twitter.com/u9GBTiy9fG
Thank you @CleGiveCamp #CleGC Patron Sponsor: @1800HURTNOW! https://t.co/zXnjaQWqjP
— Cleveland GiveCamp (@CleGiveCamp) September 11, 2021
Kistling, Nestico, and Redick is a personal injury firm in Ohio. Their attorneys assist clients injured in auto accidents, and handle other personal injury matters. https://t.co/aOHQQR7ivJ pic.twitter.com/bPN8EeTcGD
Thank you #CleGC Patron Sponsor: @NicoleKusold! https://t.co/zXnjaQWqjP
— Cleveland GiveCamp (@CleGiveCamp) September 11, 2021
NKM Consulting works with Fortune 500 companies on e-commerce and IT platform implementations/migrations/customizations. Consulting expertise in project work, Account Management functions and user training. pic.twitter.com/CD7aH0a26q
Thank you @CleGiveCamp #CleGC Patron Sponsor: @OverDriveLibs! https://t.co/zXnjaQWqjP@OverDriveLibs lets you enjoy #ebooks and #audiobooks for free!! https://t.co/PmxmHbi2Z3 pic.twitter.com/6KnTZ9UuM7
— Cleveland GiveCamp (@CleGiveCamp) September 11, 2021
Thank you @CleGiveCamp #CleGC Patron Sponsor: @PublicisSapient! https://t.co/zXnjaQWqjP
— Cleveland GiveCamp (@CleGiveCamp) September 11, 2021
Publicis Sapient's approach is grounded in a view of both the company and the customers simultaneously, and a unique fusing of strategy and consulting. https://t.co/zLaZ4oHeYw pic.twitter.com/ksXaoVJDWK
Thank you @CleGiveCamp #CleGC Patron Sponsor: @Stage3Talent! https://t.co/zXnjaQWqjP
— Cleveland GiveCamp (@CleGiveCamp) September 11, 2021
Stage 3 Talent creates synergy between higher education and corporations to make program development for IT skills training more agile, intentional, and profitable for organizations. pic.twitter.com/SfsbITf57O
Saturday, September 11, 2021
From #CleGC "Announcements" channel on @SlackHQ: "8am standup for the project managers!"
— Cleveland GiveCamp (@CleGiveCamp) September 11, 2021
Thank you to our @CleGiveCamp #volunteers who worked very late last night & now are starting #CleGC Day 2 early this morning
Making #tech solutions for #Cleveland & #Akron area #nonprofits! pic.twitter.com/3rKuLwKsJu
I just heard "sleep is for the weak" before the @CleGiveCamp #CleGC morning standup meeting.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - sosAssociates.com (@sos_jr) September 11, 2021
Great #volunteers up working early this morning after working very very late Friday night!!!https://t.co/jPDhhk3tsE pic.twitter.com/BCqbIsora1
I am so impresses with the professionalism of the @CleGiveCamp #CleGC #volunteers!!https://t.co/jPDhhk3tsE
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - sosAssociates.com (@sos_jr) September 11, 2021
Working toward "MVP" (minimum viable product) for the 2021 @CleGiveCamp partners.https://t.co/KkLarGqMy1@CleGiveCamp sponsors make this possiblehttps://t.co/XbaAOKrALt pic.twitter.com/AcUXxqk8KE
Awesome you guys! Have a fantastic weekend! Ours is Oct 1 - we're printing T-shirts this week thanks 2 #localheroes @SupplyPike. @cwhittl and @teslarsoftware do the heavy lifting. #GiveCamp
— GiveCamp NWA (@givecampnwa) September 11, 2021
Have fun, you guys! Ours is Oct 1.
— GiveCamp NWA (@givecampnwa) September 11, 2021
Don't forget Jim Gorjup! ORIGINAL GIVECAMP.
— Mark W. Schumann (@MarkWSchumann) September 11, 2021
Oh, I did not forget about Jim Gorjup. There were several of us that were at @CleGiveCamp #CleGC in 2010 that have returned for 2021. https://t.co/jPDhhk3tsE@MarkWSchumann go check out the @WEWS video from @CleGiveCamp 2010: https://t.co/5OROVfrkFd
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - sosAssociates.com (@sos_jr) September 11, 2021
@CleGiveCamp #clegc Having fun volunteering this weekend and digging in to a new for me reporting tool (Google Data Studio), even learning some new things about Google Sheets. pic.twitter.com/YPjxmz9mCi
— Lynda Kane (@labboopanda) September 11, 2021
Photos from #Cleveland #GiveCamp 5:00 pm Standup.
— Cleveland GiveCamp (@CleGiveCamp) September 11, 2021
A Standup is where the Project Managers for each team get together to report and share ideas of how to best meet project goals.@CleGiveCamp #CleGC #volunteers developing #tech solutions for Cleveland & #Akron area #nonprofits. pic.twitter.com/fqEotSJTW2
Thx to our #Cleveland #GiveCamp Leadership Team & a group of dedicated #volunteers who delivered the boxes, our #tech volunteers received food gift boxes
— Cleveland GiveCamp (@CleGiveCamp) September 11, 2021
This, our 11th year, is a virtual event, so everyone is donating their talent remotelyhttps://t.co/rZ4mtLCbaE #CleGC pic.twitter.com/lX4lXPEiqf
Sunday, September 12, 2021 - Cleveland GiveCamp Closing Ceremony
It was great that I was able to see the closing ceremony!!!
I had expected to miss the Cleveland GiveCamp 2021 closing ceremony, since I was traveling north on Sunday. I was lucky in that I checked the Cleveland GiveCamp Slack Channel while stopping for lunch in Savannah, Georgia, and discovered that the ceremony had just started! I was excited, and enjoyed lunch outdoors near the Savannah River while watching on my iPhone the video stream about the great success of this year's volunteers!
So cool!
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - sosAssociates.com (@sos_jr) September 12, 2021
Hey, @MarkWSchumann, I just stopped for lunch in Savannah, Georgia, and saw on @CleGiveCamp’s @SlackHQ that the #CleGC 2021 closing was just starting.
Congratulations to all the @CleGiveCamp #volunteers for a successful #CleGC Weekend!!! Your projects look great! pic.twitter.com/ToWUUXSFTU
@CleGiveCamp very cool how the Roberto Clemente Park Block Club pulled in extra #volunteers to add the extra feature of creating a bilingual website!! #CleGC https://t.co/DKXZ3PwSN0 pic.twitter.com/K6wBhWkKwa
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - sosAssociates.com (@sos_jr) September 12, 2021
Yeah, that park (and thus the block club) are exactly where Spanish is HIGHLY relevant.
— Mark W. Schumann (@MarkWSchumann) September 12, 2021
@MarkWSchumann, the @CleGiveCamp #CleGC 2021 websites built for for FREE for local #nonprofits look fantastic!! https://t.co/KkLarGqMy1
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - sosAssociates.com (@sos_jr) September 12, 2021
The @CleGiveCamp #volunteers did incredible work again this year!! https://t.co/jPDhhk3tsE pic.twitter.com/00YCDn82Rn
After Cleveland GiveCamp
Great job!
— Seattle GiveCamp (@seattlegivecamp) September 13, 2021
Another successful @CleGiveCamp weekend! my team and I put together a brand new website for the Roberto Clemente Block Club who did not have any online presence whatsoever. https://t.co/DO18GBSEfN pic.twitter.com/utuIuadP0S
— Evan Lee (@dev_evan) September 12, 2021
Thank you, @dev_evan, to you & your @CleGiveCamp #CleGC 2021 team for the creation of a website for Roberto Clemente Park Block Club!https://t.co/U6TbBD4yWB
— Cleveland GiveCamp (@CleGiveCamp) September 14, 2021
It is through #volunteers like you that @CleGiveCamp provides FREE #tech solutions to #nonprofitshttps://t.co/EczdBGkgN8 pic.twitter.com/MopFDUQfG2
Always happy to support such an awesome initiative and event :) Huge thanks to everyone who was involved in it too!
— Hurricane Labs (@hurricanelabs) September 13, 2021
The StarkFresh "BRAND NEW Website is finally here!" -- The following tweet by @StarkFreshOH is what it is all about!!
It's been far too long but finally our BRAND NEW Website is finally here!
— StarkFresh (@StarkFreshOH) September 14, 2021
For those of you who have tried going to our website over the past year, you ave noticed that it was down, outdated or wouldn't open and it would redirect you but this is No more! https://t.co/S2ToXg8nTV pic.twitter.com/5UYG3LwH5p
Wednesday, September 15, 2021 - Arrived Home to a Cleveland GiveCamp Kudo Box
Thank you to Brittney Iskander and her food team, who arranged for food boxes filled with treats to be delivered to the homes of the Cleveland GiveCamp volunteers. My son, Kevin F. Smith, volunteers each year, developing an official Cleveland GiveCamp video (see YouTube videos at: YouTube.com/user/ClevelandGiveCamp), so when the food team dropped off his box, they left an extra box for me to enjoy. Yummy!
Arrived home to find a “Kudo boxâ€from @CleGiveCamp!
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - sosAssociates.com (@sos_jr) September 16, 2021
Thank you, @CleGiveCamp, for the box filled with tasty treats!! pic.twitter.com/WxeEc5kTAB
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Photos, nonprofits served, resources, and more -- you can read about some of the past Cleveland GiveCamp Weekends here:
Blog Date: August 6, 2012 - Cleveland GiveCamp 2012: Coding for Charity
Blog Date: July 31, 2013 - Coding For Cleveland Charities: GiveCamp 2013
Blog Date: August 6, 2014 - Cleveland GiveCamp 2014 - 5th Year!
Blog Date: July 29, 2015 - Cleveland GiveCamp 2015: Sixth Year of Free Tech for Nonprofits
Blog Date: August 23, 2016 - My 7th Cleveland GiveCamp - Free Tech Solutions for Nonprofits in 2016
Blog Date: August 8, 2017 - Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh, from Cleveland GiveCamp 2017!
Funny blog post in the form of a letter home from camp -- please let me know if you read it! -
Blog Date: December 23, 2018 - Cleveland GiveCamp 2018: Coding for Charity for Nine Years!
Blog Date: August 8, 2019 - Cleveland GiveCamp 2019 – 10th Anniversary!
- Blog Date: July 19, 2020 - Missing Cleveland GiveCamp in 2020
2021 is the eleventh year that Cleveland GiveCamp volunteers provided free tech solutions to local charities. Please tell everyone you know about this opportunity for nonprofits, and have them sign up for official notifications at: ClevelandGiveCamp.org/Nonprofits Thank you!
Three Blog Posts This Week
Submitted by Stuart Smith on Sat, 09/25/2021 - 09:50

Stuart O. Smith, Jr., MNO
Blogging at: sosAssociates.com/Blog
Former Cleveland GiveCamp Steering Committee: ClevelandGiveCamp.org/about/#steering
Former Web SIG Cleveland Leader: WebSigCleveland.org
In addition to this Cleveland GiveCamp blog post, I published two other blog posts about activities that happened over the Cleveland GiveCamp Weekend. Click links in the following tweet: